Monday, January 14, 2008

Mid-Winter Blahs

Good day everyone. I have the mid-Winter blahs (sp) and don't feel much like doing anything lately. It seems I'm cold most of the time and can't warm up for a very long time.

Poor Jon is at the dentist right now getting (hopefully) a broken file extracted from his jaw. About two months ago this file broke off during a root canal and the dentist could not retrieve it at the time. Later, a specialist determined that he could not easily extract the piect of file either so back to the dentist he goes for another round.

Charlene reported that she will be getting the remainder of her dental work completed this year. Hurray for her!
Charlene - remember getting your picture taken with Trace Atkins while he was signing a menu for you? Seems like it was so long ago doesn't it?

And now for the story of the day. This is too wierd and I feel sorry for them.
LONDON (Reuters) - A couple discovered after they had married that they were twins who had been split up at birth and adopted by separate families, according to a member of Britain's House of Lords.
British peer David Alton recounted the story to parliament last month to support his argument that artificially conceived children should be told who their biological parents are.
Alton said he had heard the story of the separated twins from a High Court judge who had dealt with the case.
"This did not involve in vitro fertilization: It involved the normal birth of twins who were separated at birth and adopted by separate parents," said Alton, an independent member of the Lords. "They were never told that they were twins."
"They met later in life and felt an inevitable attraction, and the judge had to deal with the consequences of the marriage that they entered into and all the issues of their separation," he said.
"I suspect that it will be a matter of litigation in the future if we do not make information of this kind available to children who have been donor-conceived," he said. Read the full story here


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