Thursday, January 17, 2008

Really? Since Monday?

Oh my it's been far too long since I've updated the Blog. My apologies.
  • Tuesday was spent still feeling ill.

  • Wednesday was running more than anyone should have to. Normal day and evening routes, then running the middle school basketball team to Savannah in an awful snowstorm. No fun I tell you.

  • Of course school was cancelled today so I grabbed my camera and went out to use it.

I got some wonderful shots that I'll post as time goes on. Here's today's favorite that I have titled "Loneliness." I hope you enjoy it.

No story for today. I'm simply too tired. Remind me to tell you about my iPod fiascos of late. I feel like a newbie on the tech scene with this one I tell you. Alas, that's a story for another time. Perhaps tomorrow, or even later this evening. I need to EAT!


Blogger Unknown said...

Great photo. I would have called it something else as it seems to serene to be lonley. Although maybe YOU were feeling lonely and thus the name. Good luck winning the fight with the ipod :p

January 18, 2008 at 7:31 PM  

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