Monday, February 25, 2008

Caps are no fun.

Here's some more art I created. Enjoy

Today I had two temporary caps installed. In two weeks the permanent ones will be in, and on that same day the dentist will install two additional temporary caps on the other side of my mouth. Now I know how Charlene and Jonathan feel. My mouth is irritated on the side where the caps were installed although I should probably take more aspirin since it's been six hours or so since the last dosage.

Lots of yucky stuff going on here although hopefully things can get better with time.


Saturday, February 23, 2008

Saturday - yea

Not too enthusiastic I suppose. Mood still kind of down. Here's my current view

I finished part 2 of ? at the dentist Thursday. It did not hurt as much after the procedure as it had the week before. Perhaps most of this was due to familiarity rather than last week where it was the unknown.

I haven't had any discussions with the kids this week outside of Nick. He seems busy with work and family. He said they have sold Ellie's car and are getting something a little less expensive. He also said he had a paycheck from Farmer's Insurance bounce when he went to cash it. Apparently it was a bank error although they have yet to complete the transaction and give him his money earned. I hope he can resolve it soon.

I had the transmission on the truck rebuilt this week after it lost 3rd and 4th gears while pulling a trailer full of mowers up the highway on Tuesday. Yea again.

That's about it for this week so far. We will see what tomorrow brings. Here's some parting art I did for your troubles.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Through the Frosty Pane

It's snowing once more. The flakes are large and white, yet foreboding nonetheless. Perhaps it's my mood today. I feel like I'm falling into a deep chasm from which return is difficult, if not impossible.

Getting to church this morning was a chore through the unplowed roads yet prayer seems to be in order for today.

Well, my brain isn't working this morning. I suspect I should attempt more later should the desire to write strike me.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Too long between posts

Since Easter is quickly approaching, I thought I'd start painting some eggs. Here's the first of what should be many to come.

I can't believe it's been a week since I've updated the blog. What a busy week indeed. Yesterday I had my first long appointment with the dentist. My mouth still hurts although not nearly as much as it did yesterday. I have the other side of my mouth set for next Thursday. I'll have to figure out something that I can eat after the procedures. I finish up with the dentist about lunchtime yet there's no way I can chew. Perhaps a nice large milkshake would do the trick :) Hmmm, chocolate sounds kind of nice.

Not much going on other than work right not. In fact, I'm working now :) I have a pretty solid Internet connection from Independence, MO since there are several motels within a block of my location. There's a Sheridan's Frozen Custard store across the street and while it sounds really good it's simply too cold to indulge today. It's a whopping 20 degrees right now.

I've got my beard and hair both growing like wildfire right now. I jokingly vowed to let my beard grow to my belly and my hair grow to my backside. I'm not certain this will be possible though, I may wake up some morning and cut everything off.

I still need to update the Web site. I never did a February update. Perhaps I'll have to move into a quarterly maintenance mode with it. I need to work on it now though.

Have a happy Friday everyone.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Snow, snow, and hey, more snow :)

Now here's a fun picture :)

Nothing but snow last night and this morning. I'm off work today of course :) Hopefully I will have the motivation to get out in a bit and at least snap a few photos around town.

I got a new laptop yesterday and finally just finished moving all the software over. My old laptop has a few problems although continues to run quite well. I also just finished recovering it and plan on giving it to Michelle for her use as long as it continues to run for her.

I had lunch with Charlene on Monday. She's doing well and continues to be very busy. She likes working three jobs because of the variety inherent in each one.

Nothing much to add until later. TTFN.