Monday, January 21, 2008


These days most seem to lack appreciation for the reason they may be off work, or why the governments are shut down on this cold Monday in January. It seems rather sad to me after spending some time over dinner thinking about it. Perhaps we've come further down the long road than Mr. King would have anticipated by this time. We have a minority presidential candidate in Obama, and perhaps, if a Republican candidate is victorious, a minority VP should the whispers continue to ripen about Condi Rice. There seems to be a slowly swelling group of folks who believe Rice could and should be a Republican Ticket VP runner. As an African-American and a woman, Rice neutralizes the two Democratic front-runners. And why not? I'm even being quickly converted. Rice brings foreign policy experience that can't be matched by any of the front-runners of either party. She holds a Ph.D. in international studies, was a former national security adviser, and is unmatched in her current position performance by anyone since Kissinger, in my humble opinion. This says a lot since Colin Powell has been one of my role models for quite some time. Okay, enough of that.

Not much else to cover other than COLD weather. It's almost more than I can stand. My wallet is also suffering given last month's electric bill. This month's outlook is certainly no better. Snow is forecast for this evening with more coming Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Will it ever stop? I NEED to find a suitable/affordable snow blower once again. I sure wish I had kept the one I had years ago. It was small yet always performed well. Most of what I see out there today is much larger and definitely NOT what I need today.
Poor Jon must deal with the file the dentist broke off in his jaw. It doesn't bother him although the only method that may be used to extract the file is to cut directly into his gums then stich him back up again. Not an easy solution. Poor Jon.
Jan and I have both been mildly ill lately. Head and chest colds prevail. Just when it begins to get better you go back down hill the very next day. Perhaps Spring will be just around the corner and we can open the house back up to rid ourselves of these germs. As Poo would say, TTFN.


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